Returns & Exchanges

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase and we appreciate your business.

If your product is faulty, you can return your item for a refund of the purchase price or exchange within 14 days of purchase.

If for any other reason you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return the item to us and we will issue you a gift voucher or store credit for the original purchase price.

How Do I Return My Item?

If you are unsatisfied with the product, please fill out and include a return form with the items you wish to return. If you don’t have access to a printer please contact us on 1300 540 337 or email (click here to download the returns form).

If your order incorrect, faulty or damaged, please call us on 1300 540 337.


We ship purchased goods as soon as possible after receipt of payment.

We aim to ship orders on the same business day, unless the order is placed outside of business hours or after the courier pickup has occurred for the day, in which case the order will be shipped the next business day.

Special orders may require more time to prepare which may cause a delay to shipment. In this situation, we will advise you of any issues and an estimated time of arrival.

We ship using Australia Post, Fastways Couriers, Toll, Couriers Please and Startrack express. We choose the most appropriate courier to achieve the quickest and safest delivery to your address.